Pankov's Glasses for low myopia treatment
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I am interested in the Pankov's Glasses.
Can you send me a description of exactly how the therapy works? In your experience, how long does it take to cure myopia -2.00?
As far as I understand, one therapy lasts about 15 days (every day a couple of minutes (the first days 1-3 min, then the treatment is increased to max.10min per day).
After 15 days of use, the break is somewhere up to 1 month. Is this correct? Do I wear glasses normally in the meantime? Does it make sense to reduce my diopter during therapy, e.g. half (-1.00)? oz.
How will I know that my vision is better if I wear the same lens diopter?
Thank you for all the answers!
Best regards,
Dear Carmen, thank you for your attention to our product.
Unfortunately we don't have any manuals for Pankov's Glasses in English at the moment.
But scheme of using you understand right. About your myopia -2.0D: if this disease has reason like accommodation spasm (because of muscle contraction) the device is help to improve your vision. If is real myopia (your eye is too long) - the glasses can't improve vision significantly. -2.0D is low myopia, so you can wear your spectacles only for the far distance during the treatment.
Best Regards